Project Based Short Courses

Mobile Robots

MicroROS and ESP32 WiFi Controlled Robot Hands-On using ROS2

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ROS2 Autonomous Driving and SLAM using NAV2 with TurtleBot3

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ROS2 Ultimate Mobile Robotics Course for Beginners OpenCV

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ROS 2 Artificial Intelligent Robot using Raspberry PI

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Hands on Robotics for Begginers by Line Following Wifi Robot

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Robotic Arms

ROS2 Ultimate guide for Custom Robotic Arms and Panda 7

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Autonomous Cars

ROS2 Self Driving Car with Deep Learning and Computer Vision

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ROS2 Point Clouds For Autonomous Self Driving Car using PCL

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Hardware and AI

Deep learning using Tensorflow Lite on Raspberry Pi

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ROS2 Drone Basic

ros2 drones
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